영어 초보의 오픽 도전기

오픽 모의고사 풀이 / 지극히 개인적인 오픽일기(IM2 도전기)

구뽝 2022. 8. 18. 22:43

오픽 Intermediate Mid2 달성하는 그날까지

안녕하세요. 구빡입니다.

오늘은 오픽을 공부하기 위해 다양한 유튜브를 검색해 보았습니다.

엄청나게 많은 컨텐츠가 있지만 나에게 도움이 되는 것은 무엇일까 고민을 많이 했습니다.

그리고 선정한 것이 '여우 오픽 모의고사'입니다.

실제 시험 본다는 기분으로 들으면서 문제 유형도 파악하고 답변도 해보는 방식으로 공부하면 좋을 것 같습니다.

주소는 아래 링크를 참조하세요.


그럼 모의고사 1부터 공부해보겠습니다. 난이도는 3~4를 정했구요.(저는 목표가 IM2라서..)

내일 시험 보고 나면 25일 후에 다시 칠 수 있으니 지금부터 하나씩 공부해 보겠습니다.

영상은 총 10개이니 2일에 1개씩 공부하면 될 것 같습니다.ㅎ

제가 시험공부하면서 쓰는 것이라 틀린 내용이 많습니다.

공부하는데 의미를 두고 하는 거라 보시는 분께는 도움이 안 될 수도 있습니다.

그냥 저의 공부 방법이니 답답함을 느끼신다면 뒤로 가기 살짝 눌러주세요.

일단 내일 시험이니 한번 풀어본다는 느낌으로 시작하고자 합니다.

시험 결과를 확인하고 교재를 정해서 공부할 생각입니다.


그럼 모의고사 1화 study 시작하겠습니다.


1. Let's start the interview now. Tell me something about yourself.


OK, Eva. Thanks for this question.

Let me introduce myself.

My name is OOO and I'm OO years old.

I'm currently a student.

I'm a graduate student at OOOOO university.

My major is electronic engineering.

I live my wife in Dae-Gu.

My wife is housewife.

In my free time, I like to go jogging.

I usually go to 'Du-ryu park' with my wife.

I think, I'm very shy man.

So, I hope for your understanding of it.



2. Tell me about trasportation in your country. What kind of transportation do people use?


My country trasportation is very variety. 

So, many people uses subway and bus.

My number one transportation is subway.

because,  subway is very fast transportation.

Thanks, Ava.


3. What kind of tansportation do you use to get around? Do you use public transportation, or do you drive?


Wow, this question is very nice.

I don't dirve. because I don't have drive license.

So, I usually take the subway.

Do you have drive license?

This test is very difficult.

Thanks. Eva.


4. Sometimes riding the subway or bus can be uncomfortable. Have you ever had any problems while taking public transportation?


Wow, this is the perfect question. 

But, I didn't feel paricularly uncomfortable.

So, this question is very difficult.

I'll tell you next time I think of it.

Thanks, Eva.


5. Describe your house to me. What does it look like? What types of rooms does it have? Also, tell me about your favorite room.


Eva, lisen to me.

My house has white walls and white floors.

It is very clean and modern.

There are two bedrooms in my house.

It also have a bathroom, a kitchen and a living room.

My number on room is living room.

because, This room gives me comfort.

Thanks Eva.


6. Whate activities do you usually do when you are at home? What do you do on weekdays, and what do you do on weekends?


Eva, lisen to me.

When I'm at home, I usually have to clean my house.

I use a vacuum cleanner to clean the floor.

I do my household chores every day.

Do you like household chores?

It's hard, but it must be done.

Thanks Eva.


7. Tell me about the house you lived in when you were a child. How is it different from the house you live in now?


Wow, This is very perfect question.

My past house is very cold.

So, I always catched a cold.

Now, My house is warm.

So, I love it.

If there is a chance, I would like to show it to you.

Thanks Eva.


8. You indicated in the survey that you enjoy traveling domestically. What is your favorite location, and why do you like that place?


Well, Eva, lisen to me.

I like the traveling domestically.

My number one city is Ulsan.

Because Ulsan has sea and mountain.

This is very beautiful.

If you see 'Ulsan' you will like it too.

Thanks Eva.


9. Tell me about a trip you took in your youth. Where did you go, and who did you go with? What did you do there?


Ok, Eva. This question is very nice.

But this question is very difficult.

I mean. I have no idea about this. 

Sorry Eva. I'll tell you next time I think of it.

Thanks Eva.


10. Have you had any interesting or unforgettable experiences while you were traveling in your own country? Tell me about the experience in detail.


Ok, Eva. lisen to me.

Recently, I went camping with my wife.

This camp had the sea.

This sea is very beautiful.

So, the wife smiled brightly.

This smile is very beautiful.

I will never forget this trip.

Thanks Eva.


11. I'd like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. Your friend is planning to have a birthday party and asked you to help prepare the party. Call your friend and ask three or four questions about the party.


Ok, Eva. lisen to me.

My friend name is Mike.

Let me start.

Hello Mike. congratulation your birth day.

So, When is your birthday party?

What help do you need?

Tell me about this.

Thanks Eva. Well, That's all.


12. I'm sorry, bout there is a problem I need you to resolve. You were planning to go to your friend's birthday party, but something came up. Call your friend, explain that you cannot go to the party, and suggest two or three alternatives.


Ok, Eva. This question is very important.

But, This situation is very difficult.

I'm sorry Eva.

Do you have the resolve this problems?

Tell me about this.

Thanks Eva.


13. That's the end of the situation. Have you ever been in a situation where you had to cancel something? Explain what happened.


Well, This question is perfet.

But, I don't have no idea.

I mean. This question is very difficult.


14. Tell me about the cafes or coffee shops in you country. Please tell me about them in as much detatil as you can.


Ok, Eva. lisen to me.

Do you know starbugs?

This brand is very population.

This shop have very delisious  coffee.

So, Many people like it.



15. I work at a cafe. Ask me three of four questions about the cafe and what I do there. 


Ok Eva. Your job is very nice.

Isn't work hard?

Why do you do that?

What is the most famous menu?

Thanks Eva.



어후... 1화 여기까지 입니다.


실제 시험이 이런 식으로 나오는군요.


상당히 힘들었습니다. 실제로 문제 하나 보고 작성하고 했는데..

유튜브에는 자막이 나오니까 번역기 돌려서 문제 이해하고 했습니다.;;;

실제로 시험이라면 반 정도만 알아들을 거 같아서 걱정입니다.

답변은 순간적으로 생각나는것을 적으며 확인해보았습니다.

IL이나 나올지 걱정되네요;;;

내일 시험은 현재 실력 확인 겸 하는 거니 부담을 좀 내려놔야겠습니다.

근데 시험비 너무 비싸던데..ㅠ

일단 여기 작성한 답변을 좀 더 외워봐야겠습니다. 

난 이미 틀렸어...ㅠ


오늘 포스팅은 여기까지 하겠습니다.


그럼 이만..

이 포스팅은 지극히 개인적인 내용으로 공신력이 없습니다.
혼자 오픽이라는 시험에 도전하기 위한 일기 형식의 내용으로
보시는 분에게 아무런 도움이 되지 않을 수 있습니다.
이 내용으로 인하여 발생하는 문제에 대해서 저는 아무런 책임도 지지 않습니다.
